Bohemian Paradise

Summer Parkour

supervisor_account 10 - 14 years
calendar_month Scheduled terms
person Under the guidance of coaches
edit_note Registration for entire terms

What is parkour
camp about?

camping Summer camp as it should be. Campfire, swimming, excursions...
directions_run Lots of parkour, games, and adventure
potted_plant natural method of general body development
verified_user Experienced coaches from all gyms with an emphasis on safety

The camp is focused not only on learning or improving in parkour but also on the philosophy of parkour that we still honor at In Motion. We will have team games and challenges where it's not just about our physical performance but also about mental challenges. These are best managed in a great collective with a sporting spirit.

During the day, there will be three training blocks with thematic workshops focused on from basic vaults, flow, lache to more complex saltos with twists and combinations of flips.

During the camp, we will also have a joint 10 km run, which we have liked at In Motion since the first joint camps. There will be no shortage of night games and joint workouts. No one needs to fear these activities - you just have to want to, and we will help with everything else.

about the camp

A short film captures the progress and atmosphere of the first In Motion Academy camp, the immediate impressions of the children, and the values the coaches try to convey.

Immerse yourself in
the camp atmosphere
In Motion Academy Parkour Camp

a short documentary from the first year

Practical Information

Everything you need to know if you're interested in a parkour camp


The camp takes place at the accommodation center RS Český ráj in the very heart of the Bohemian Paradise.

  • child's admission form
  • doctor's confirmation - Assessment of the child's health fitness
  • health insurance card or a copy
  • any necessary medication and written information about health issues and dietary restrictions
  • enough comfortable clothing for all weather conditions
  • running or casual shoes, suitable even for the forest
  • swimsuits
  • water bottle
  • spending money (we recommend up to 1,000 CZK)
  • we advise against bringing expensive electronics

of the camps

Bohemian Paradise
person Only for children aged 10 to 14.
apparel The price includes a camp-themed t-shirt as a souvenir. You can select the size when adding to the cart. Size chart here.
warning If you do not have an IMA profile with us, please bring a completed visitor's statement.
info You will receive detailed information about the course and arrival instructions in an email before the start of the camp.
Summer Parkour Camp - Český ráj | 17.8 - 23.8.
person 10 - 14 years
Last Free place
7 850 Kč

Important Information


Only for children aged 10 to 14.


The price includes a camp-themed t-shirt as a souvenir. You can select the size when adding to the cart. Size chart here.


If you do not have an IMA profile with us, please bring a completed visitor's statement.


You will receive detailed information about the course and arrival instructions in an email before the start of the camp.

That's not all with us by far!

City Camps

City Camps

Suburban parkour camps right in our gym. We will train, play games, create, have fun, and discover stories along the way.

person Under the guidance of coaches
signal_cellular_alt For beginners and advanced
calendar_today Five-day terms taking place on weekdays from morning to evening
check_box Registration for entire terms


We offer several types of training, typically regular sessions that take place in our facilities, including clubs, individual lessons, and open gyms.

trainings overview


Various activities ranging from community jams, competitions like IMACON, to seasonal thematic events for children such as St. Nicholas' day and Easter.

events overview

Planning a birthday or a sleepover?

We offer rentals of the entire gym for day or night

Rent the gym