
Contact Us
sprint Specialized in Parkour
timeline Over 15 Years of Experience
person Parkour Athletes Including Czech Elite

What Can We Do ?

sprint Action Chases
corporate_fare High-Altitude Movement
directions_run Breathtaking Flips
diversity_3 Joint Choreography

Are you producing a film, series, commercial, music video, photo, or other audiovisual work and need stunt performers for jumps?

Our experience dates back 15 years when our founders began performing as stuntmen due to their parkour skills. Today we count dozens of very capable parkour athletes of various age groups, including the Czech parkour elite. Together we will select the ideal stunt performers for your needs.

We also have experience in planning choreography and overseeing filming safety. For these purposes, we provide a coordinator.

Let's Jump
Into Collaboration


Parkourist / One Filming Day - 5,000 CZK

Send us a non-binding inquiry and we will prepare a cost estimate according to your requirements.


For consultation regarding your project, please contact

Phone: +420 774 454 433

Besides, We Also Offer

Parkour Show
Training Course
Gym lease

Parkour Show

A show full of jumps and flips over obstacles and even audiences. We can perform both outdoors and indoors, making full use of the space.

star An exciting performance full of adrenaline
directions_run Experienced professional parkourists
view_in_ar Own obstacles for larger shows
diversity_3 Engaging the audience in the action
More information

Training Course

Parkour is not just a sport. Overcoming obstacles is also practical. With a professional approach, our coaches will teach you to overcome them quickly, efficiently, and safely.

person Under the guidance of coaches
signal_cellular_alt For various levels of physical fitness
calendar_today Course arrangement via email or phone
check_box For professional use

Gym lease

Do you want to rent the entire parkour gym or a part of it for yourself? It's possible with us. Flexible arrangements, well-equipped, option of a coach.

person option to arrange for coaches, or without
calendar_month Arrange training according to your needs
calendar_today Reservation of available dates via email or phone